The question of what life will be like in 100 years has always been (and will likely continue to be) pondered. This article by Gary Robbins shares the results of a study completed back in 1911 (the year that the very first photo of the US was taken on an airplane, and almost 40 years before the first modern computer was invented).
This study asked leading experts how they predicted that the world would change in 100 years from 1911, and Robbins also reports the predictions of three San Diego scientists of what life will be like in 2112. As you may guess, technology is predicted to play an important role in our society’s future.
What does Technology mean to Order Processing?
With business comes mundane tasks that inadvertently cost companies money due to (but not limited to) the hidden costs of paper or the manual efforts of employees needing countless hours to complete their tactful work. As the scientists in Robbins article predict that science and technology will direct human interaction, I’d like to point out that there are companies that already embrace this concept and utilize technology today to improve their sales order processing and, in turn, improve their interactions with their customers.
5 Companies with cutting edge Order Processing and Customer Service
Order entry may be pretty advanced in 2115; however, there are improvements that you could be making today to set you forward for what the future capabilities are for your Customer Service Department. This Slideshare below gives a snap shot preview of a full eBook that features five companies that have automated their order processing and has achieved awe-inspiring results like:
- 6% increased order entry accuracy
- 4 to 5 minutes in order entry savings per order
- 50% decrease in the number of steps needed to process an email/fax sales order